How to convert your Laser machine to a higher Wattage Laser Tube between 80, 100 and 130 watts of Power - What all you will need
Preface: This Article covers what all you would need to convert a given machine to a different wattage laser tube. Note that the mounting of the power supplies will require you to drill and tap holes as the replacements are generally larger. After you replace the tube, you will also need to align the tube and your mirrors. This guide is not a STEP BY STEP how to, it is just an overview of parts and reference material.
Articles to reference:
Things to Consider:

When you do this conversion, please be explicit when seeking support as
your machine will no longer be standard or match the original "As
Shipped" state so when it comes to replacement parts and
troubleshooting, it would be good for the support team to be informed.
You may need to redo your scanning offsets for the new tube, align the new tube, update your material library etc. Higher wattage tubes also have higher minimum power output limits. As you change your tube, you will need more distilled water, so it would be good to also grab 2 more gallons of water. You will also need to consider the spacing of the tube support bracket on the left side of the Laser tube, as the tube gets longer, that bracket needs to move further to end left. Mounting holes for the different power supply sizes are not the same spacing so you will need to mount the new LPSU in the existing location.
Tube Lengths:
Current Laser Tube Lengths
80W Tube: 48.4"
100WTube: 575"
130W tube: 65"

For all machines, depending on your water connections, you may also need to run longer water hoses from the ports on the back of the machine to the tube. We have the tubes
Nova 24
We expressly do no recommend trying to upgrade your Nova 24 to a higher wattage tube. The Nova 24 has a 55 mm diameter tube which will limit the ability to upgrade to a higher wattage tube since they jump to the 80mm diameter and then start adding length in order to increase wattage. The Mirror 1 optic would have to be relocated, the machine frame adjusted for the tube diameter, the tube box extended (depending on wattage) and then the upgraded LPSU required really will not fit well in the machine.
Nova 35-80 to 100 watt:

Note that in order to convert your 80 watt to a 100 watt, you will need to add an extension to the machine which will require more space, an additional 15.75" of clearance is required.
Parts you need:
Tube Extension Box for Nova 35 -
Nova 35-80 to 130 watt:
Parts you need:
Tube Extension Box for Nova 35 -
LinkMYJG150 watt Laser Power Supply
LinkCW5200 Chiller
Link (Required for Tube Warranty)
Nova 35-100 to 130 watt:
MYJG150 watt Laser Power Supply
LinkCW5200 Chiller
Link (Required for Tube Warranty)
Nova 51-100 to 130 watt:
MYJG150 watt Laser Power Supply
LinkCW5200 Chiller
Link (Required for Tube Warranty)
Nova 63-100 to 130 watt:
MYJG150 watt Laser Power Supply
LinkCW5200 Chiller
Link (Required for Tube Warranty)
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