What does this File import accomplish
What does this File import NOT do
-Creates a USB or Ethernet Device (you pick the file for the connection type you want to use) -Imports your machine specific Scanning Offsets in mm and enables them
-Disables the Start button in Lightburn
-Sets a 5 second Start Delay for the Exhaust fan to ramp up
-Disables the Z motion for the device
-Updates the "Additional Settings" for the preview time Accuracy
-It does not setup an IP address that is custom fit to your network. It sets up the DEFAULT IP of which is the default IP of the laser machine. You will still need to configure your computers Ethernet Connection and possibly even change the IP to fit your specific network layout
-It does not change the USER settings\Preferences. You will still want to adjust to your liking
-It does not UPDATE the file on the USB if you change anything, you will need to re-export your device Profile if you make modifications
-It does not install the FTDI driver for USB communications
-It does not do a Camera Calibration
New Lightburn without an Existing Device
With Existing Lightburn Device(s)
If you are starting out with a fresh copy of Lightburn and do not have any devices, You will be prompted to create a device when you open up Lightburn.
Press the Import button to start the import of the device profile file
(If you have created "dummy devices" for the trial that are not what you will be using, delete them) |
After you have clicked the Import button, navigate to the folder show on the Thunder USB stick that was included with the machine. Note that your drive letter may not be I: and if importing for a Odin, go to the ODIN Series folder, and for Bolt, go to Thunder Bolt folders.Select the *.lbdev file you want to import, whether you want USB or Enet (ethernet). Click "open". In this example the file selected was Nova24_2329798_enet.lbdev. (Note that your computer may not show the .LBDEV file extension, that is ok)
Windows Example
Mac Example
Use finder to navigate to the USB stick files and select the appropriate file
The Device will import into Lightburn:Click OK
In Lightburn, Select edit>device settings to pull up the Device Settings window or the icon that looks like a Wrench and Screwdriver![]()
Basic Settings
Reference Image
Additional Settings
Reference Image
If you have any issues or suggestions please email support@ThunderLaserUSA.com