Thunder Bolt Troubleshooting guide for having an Alarm Messege on the Screen

Thunder Bolt Troubleshooting guide for having an Alarm Messege on the Screen

***This article is a work in progress as we coordinate translations and clarity of the message, please be patient***

Below is a list of warning messages that may appear on the screen of your Thunder Bolt Machine

1、 Warning while trying to Frame or starting a job:

  (Similar to Frame Slop Error Alarm message of LCD panel—Frame/X/Y Slop over)

a. Check that the origin of the file, make sure start from current position.

b. Check is that the project size is smaller than the work area.

2. Warning two seconds after start of operation

  Check that the software's vendor parameters have the air assist enable turned on.



a. Check if the enable air protect in vendor settings is off. Make sure it’s off. In Rdworks:

In lightburn: No solution yet

b. Check if the air volume is lower than 0.3 PSI. If yes, raise the air volume.

3、 Warnings after clicking Start Work

  Check that the mark position is close to the edge of the honeycomb table, the buffer distance gets longer with increasing speed;

(Similar to not enough extend space Not Enough Extended Space Error)


4、 Warnings issued at work:

  Check if the machine has caught fire causing the temperature to be too high and the machine needs to be restarted

  Remove IN6 from the TL-Timer, reboot the machine, and test if there are still alarms




5、 Start working alarmMachines produced in June

   Start working alarm

  If the red lights of D5, D2 and D1 of the fan control board are all on, Skip to point 7;

  If the red lights of D5, D2 and D1 of the fan control board are all off, Check that the connection between the fan board P11 and the TL-Timer board is secure;

  If D1, D2 and D5 are on, check the network cable of the RF tube, or replace it with a new cable;



   Start working alarm

   Check if D1 of the fan board is on.

   Check the blue wire connecting the fan control board to the TL-timing board (pin 3 of P11 of the fan control board).

6、 Start working alarmMachines produced in July and August

  Start working alarm:

  If D1 of the fan control board is on, and the power is just turned on or the emergency stop is just rotated up, the RF tube needs to wait for 42 seconds before it can fire normally;

  If D1 of the fan control board is off, check that the fan control board P11 is connected to the TL-Timer board;

  If D1, D2 and D5 are on, check the network cable of the RF tube, or replace it with a new cable;




  Start working alarm:

  If D2 of the fan control board is on, turn on the normal mode, wait for D2 of the fan control board to go off, and then reboot the machine;

  If D2 of the fan control l board is off, check that the fan control board P11 is connected to the TL-Timer board. (need to finalize specific details with R&D, will give it to you later)

  If D1, D2 and D5 are on, check the Ethernet cable of the RF tube, or replace it with a new cable;




  Start working alarm:

  If D2 of the fan control board is on, use a multimeter to measure the output voltage of the 48V switching power supply;

  If D2 of the fan control board is off, check that the connection between the fan board P11 and the TL-Timer board is secure;

  If D1, D2 and D5 are on, check the network cable of the RF tube, or replace it with a new cable;


   Start working alarm:

   Check if D1 of the fan board is on.

  Check the blue wire connecting the fan control board to the TL-timing board (pin 3 of P11 of the fan control board).


7、 Alarm after moving the laser head

  Please close all the door before moving the laser head;

  If the door cover is fully closed, check which indicator light on the door cover tandem panel is not illuminated;

  If the door cover has been closed all the way and all the indicators of the tandem board are on, please check whether the wiring connecting the door sensor checking board to the TL-Timer is connected properly; (need to finalize specific details with R&D, will give it to you later)


8、 Start working alarm

  Please close all door covers before starting work;

  If the door cover is fully closed, check which indicator light on the door cover tandem panel is not illuminated;

  If the door cover has been closed all the way and all the indicators of the tandem board are on, please check whether the wiring connecting the tandem board to the TL-Timer is connected properly;

(Similar to Machine Prot Work Paused Machine Protected Work Paused)


9、 Start working alarm

  Please check whether the water protection function of the software has been turned on;

(The Bolt Series will not indicate a water protection warning)

10、        Alarm after moving X/Y/Z axis

  If you hit a limit switch, reset it;

  Open diagnostics, if the alarm is triggered, check that the software X/Y/Z limits are correctly parameterized;

  Open diagnostics, if the alarm is triggered, please measure whether X-/Y-/Z-/Z+ of the controller is shorted with GND

(Similar to Hard Limit Switch Error Hard Limit Prot Error Message on Ruida HMI)






11、        Alarm after autofocus

  Open the laser head to see if the autofocus sensor triggers properly;

  Open diagnostics; If an alarm is triggered, check that the parameters of the software U limit are correct; (need to finalize specific details with R&D, will give it to you later)

  Open Diagnostics, if the alarm is triggered, please check whether the wire from the Auto Focus sensor to the control board are properly connected;



12、        Warning after pressing pulse

  Please close all the door before pressing pulse.

  If the door cover is fully closed, check which indicator light on the door cover tandem panel is not illuminated

  If the door cover has been closed all the way and all the indicators of the tandem board are on, please check whether the wiring connecting the tandem board to the TL-Timer is connected properly


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