Machine Protected Work Paused

Machine Protected Work Paused

New Style with door checking board

LCD panel shows the following information:

Door Sensor Safety Systems

Our machine has sensors for door protection, we’ve installed 5 door sensors totally. 2 mounted at top flap, 1 mounted at the front door, 1 mounted at the left-up side door, 1 mounted at laser tube cover. See below picture.

Each door sensor is being detected by a door sensor checking board. This board is installed in the right side door for nova35, 51, 63 or left side door for nova 24.

Door sensor checking board interface description:

1:24V DC Voltage Power Input7 :spare interface of Signal Input
2:Signal Input for door sensor of S58 :Signal Input for door sensor of S3
3:Spare interface of Signal Input9 :Signal Input for door sensor of S2
4:Signal Input for door sensor of S710:Signal Input for door sensor of S1
5:spare interface of Signal Input11:Signal Output, where signal to controller board
6:"Maintenance" button12:Spare interface of Signal Output

Each interface has a LED light to indicate the status, the yellow light for interface of signal input will be on while door sensor with same label is closed, once all doors with sensors installed are closed, the red light for signal output will be on and then send the signal to controller board.

How to check when the LCD panel is getting the error of “Machine protected”?

l  The Door with sensor not close

Please close all of them before starts to work.

l  The door sensor is not working

Please find the door sensor checking board, then check status of yellow light for interface of signal
input, the light will be off if door sensor is not working.

Find the corresponding position of door sensor according to the wire label.

Order: S1= left side of top flap, S2 = right side of the top flap , S3= the front door, S5 = laser
tube cover, S7 = left-up side door.

1)The connector of door sensor is loose

Please check if the connector for corresponding position of door sensor is loose or not, see below

2)Poor contact between the actuator and the sensor

Please adjust the position of the actuator or sensor to align them. If the position is fine and the
yellow light is still off from the checking board,this door sensor should be bad .

If each door sensor is fine and their yellow light is on from checking board, and also the red light
for signal output is on, please go to the next step.

l  The wires of DrProc and GND on CN2 is loose from controller board.

Please check and confirm they are tight.

If your machine was produced before September 2019, the door sensor checking board is not
installed on your machine. Please check the machine according to below link (article is copy pasted below as well)

Alarm message of LCD panel--Machine protected(Old type sensor) (

Old Style without door checking board

LCD panel shows the following information:

1. The doors with sensor are not closed

Our machine has protection sensors for door (front cover and laser tube cover), like below.


Please close all the doors before starting work.

2. The induction magnet is not in good position

If any of the sensor magnets is in bad position


  • Take out these three magnets and directly place them on their sensors.

To better induct the magnet, please approach it on either side of the sensor, instead of the center.

  • Put position the magnets on sensors like above pic shown, check if the red light of "If protection on " disappears.

LCD panel→ Z/U button→ Diagnoses+ → “ If Protection on “

If it shows Red color: At least one of the three protection sensors is not working well (if all doors are closed).

If it shows Grey color: All protection sensors are working normally.

  • If the red color disappears, it proves one of the magnets was in bad position. 
  • Then please install the magnets back to the doors one by one to test which one causes the issue, then fine tuning the position for it.

3. The wires of DrProc and GND on CN2 is loose from controller board

If the wires are tight, maybe the door sensor is bad. Please contact

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