What size tumbler will fit on my Rotary with a Nova or Odin Laser Machine

What size tumbler will fit on my Rotary with a Nova or Odin Laser Machine

Preface: This article covers max clearance height for a Rotary Object. Measurements are theoretical so if you are near the limit it would be good to double check with a mock setup prior to selling a large order. The measurements assume the stock 2" head is being used and focused at 6mm with the rotary sitting on the honeycomb tray.

This article is a work in progress and the numbers are being updated as of May 8th, 2023. There may be errors present

Things to gain additional work height:

-Remove focus ring on laser head and raise head all the way up
-Remove honeycomb bed Removing the Honeycomb Bed
-Hang rotary from Knife Bed with optional Hanger Kit from Rotoboss

Max Tumbler Sizing:

Example Diagrams: