Preface: This article covers how to clean and lubricate the Z Screws on the Bolt series laser machines. The article was written based on the desktop bolt version of the machine. Quickstart Video: Complete Guide: Tools and Supplies Needed: Tool and ...
Preface: Proper care and routine maintenance of the machine will ensure optimal performance over a long service life. As you operate the machine, you need to build in time to your schedule for maintenance tasks. Also how you have the machine ...
Preface: This article covers How To align your laser beam in a three mirror gantry based Bolt laser. Quick Reference Video: **coming soon** Complete Guide To Bolt Series Laser Alignment We recommend you sit down at a computer to read this ...
Preface: Here is more information on what is included in the tool pouch of your Thunder Laser Bolt Laser Machine Quick Start Video: Complete List: 1. Main power cord 2. USB PC Cable 3. Ethernet Cable 4. Lens Cleaning Swabs 5. Dust Blowing Ball 6. ...
Preface: This article covers on of the possible causes of flare ups, fires and flames while cutting and engraving on your Thunder Laser Bolt or Odin machine Does this look familiar? If so....then lets read through this article to check, solve and ...
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