Testing/Adjusting Peripheral Systems using The TL Timer

Testing/Adjusting Peripheral Systems using The TL Timer

Preface: This article covers information about the new TL timers in the V8 and V9 generations. Please use the Table Of Contents to get the the pertinent section

About the TL Timer:

The TL-Timer is an IO interface board for Thunder Laser machines.  It will control laser machines periphery like air pump, exhaust fan, warning lights, heat alarm detector, electrical locks and lot of other stuff automatically.  This will increase the ease of use of your laser machine. Depending on the vintage and version of your TL Timer, not all features will be present

For Tl Timer Version 8 (Found in Nova, Odin and Aurora 1.0):

Here is a video that runs through the channels on the TL timer. You can use the TL timer to manually activate a device for troubleshooting 

Here is the schematic diagram for the V8 (8 channel) TL-Timer:

About TL-Timer controller interface and buttons description


1.    OUT1: Control the green light of warning light; When the machine is not at work, the warning light is in green colorcontinued:
2.    OUT2: Control the red light of warning light; When the machine is working or getting around alarm message on LCD panel, the warning light turns red;14.  In2, Temperature detection (Nova 51 and Nova 63)
3.    OUT3: Control the exhaust fan; Delay shutdown is set to 15 seconds. Factory default settings, change it if required;15.  In3, Air-assist mode selection;
4.    OUT4: Control air assist with “Low volume”; Delay shutdown is set to 10 second. Factory default settings, change it if required)16.  In4, Control air assist with “Low volume”;
5.    OUT5: Control air assist with “High volume”; Delay shutdown is set to 10 second Factory default settings, change it if required;17.  In5, Control air assist with “High volume”;
6.    OUT6: Control the fire alarm system; When A high temp is detecting on working area, the alarm system will be active, the warning light alarms and the machine stops working immediately;18.  In6, Temperature detection
7.    OUT7: Control the power for rotary device;19.  In7, Rotary connection state detection
8.    OUT8: Spare interface;20.  In8, Spare interface
9.    5V DC Voltage Power Output 1, control the power for red light pointer.21.  ”Set” button, select each ”OUT” interface and confirm the setting;
10.  5V DC Voltage Power Output 2, spare interface;22.  ”DOWN” button, reduce time of delay shutdown;
11.  Upgrade interface;23.  ”UP” button, increase time of delay shutdown
12.  24V DC Voltage Power Input;24.  LED lights display, set the delay time for viewing each interface and enter
13.  In1, “Working state” interface25.  Auto and manual mode switch;


Location the V8.x TL Timer:

Machine and DescriptionReference Image
Nova Series: Right hand side, Lower blue door
Odin Series: Left hand side, side door

Aurora 1.0: Op top, under the removable panel

TL Timer V8 Operation Modes:

Normal use:

-The TL-Timer is selected Auto mode as factory setting as set by the switch marked as item 25.

-Under Auto mode, when the laser is not at processing a job, the applicable outputs will be off; When the laser is processing a job, the applicable outputs start, after the job finished, the applicable outputs will stop after the preset times for each channel elapses.

-Under Manual mode, when the laser is powered on, the air assist and exhaust fan will be on all the time

-Each “OUT” interface has a freely adjustable delay time from 0-99 seconds.


Set up delay time:

Generally, there’s only need to set up the delay time for air assist and exhaust fan, so they can be delay to shutdown according to your need. The default for air assist is 10 second, and for exhaust fan is 15 second.

Click “Set” button to select from OUT1 to OUT8 interface and the LED light display will show you the delay time in second for each interface. On each interface, click “down” or “up” button you can change the value, then click “Set” button to confirm and go into the next interface. On the OUT8 interface, click again the “Set” button, the display will be off and exit the delay time setup.

For Tl Timer Version 9.X (Found in Aurora 2.0 and Bolt):

Here is a video that runs through the channels on the TL timer. You can use the TL timer to manually activate a device for troubleshooting 

Here is the schematic diagram for the V9 (11 channel) TL-Timer:

About TL-Timer controller interface and buttons description

1.    OUT1: Control the green light of warning light; When the machine is not at work, the warning light is in green colorcontinued:
2.    OUT2: Control the red light of warning light; When the machine is working or getting around alarm message on LCD panel, the warning light turns red20.  In8, Spare interface
3.    OUT3: Control the exhaust fan; Delay shutdown is set to 15 seconds. Factory default settings, change it if required21.  ”Set” button, select each ”OUT” interface and confirm the setting;
4.    OUT4: Control air assist with “Low volume” (If Applicable)22.  ”DOWN” button, reduce time of delay shutdown;
5.    OUT5: Control air assist with “High volume” (If Applicable)23.  ”UP” button, increase time of delay shutdown
6.    OUT6: Spare interface24.  LED lights display, set the delay time for viewing each interface and enter
7.    OUT7: Control the power for rotary device25.  Auto and manual mode switch;
8.    OUT8: Spare interface26. OUT 9 Control the X/Y/Z axes and laser power supply's power
9.    5V DC Voltage Power Output 1, control the power for red light pointer.27. OUT 10 LED lamp dimming control
10.  5V DC Voltage Power Output 2, spare interface28. OUT 11 spare
11.  Upgrade interface29. Fan Board interface Port (If Applicable)
12.  24V DC Voltage Power Input30. Ruida DSP Interface Port (If Applicable)
13.  In1, Laser Pre-Ionization 31. 5V DC Voltage Power Output 3, spare interface
14.  In2, Spare Interface32. 5V DC Voltage Power Output 4, spare interface
15.  In3, Laser Temperature 33. Indicator Light Port (If Applicable)
16.  In4, Spare34. IN9 E-Stop Control
17.  In5, Control air assist with “High volume”35. IN10  E-stop Control
18.  In6, Temperature detection (If Applicable)36. IN11 Spare
19.  In7, Laser Supply Voltage Detection

Location the V9.x TL Timer:

Machine and Description
Reference Image
Bolt - Left Side of Machine
Aurora - Top of machine

TL Timer V9 Operation Modes:

Normal use:

The TL-Timer is selected Auto mode as factory setting. The manual mode does nothing on the V9 TL timer currently.

Each “OUT” interface has a freely adjustable delay time from 0-99 seconds.


Set up delay time:

Generally, there’s only need to set up the delay time for air assist and exhaust fan, so they can be delay to shutdown according to your need. 

For Aurora Exhaust:
Click “Set” button to select from OUT1 to OUT8 interface and the LED light display will show you the delay time in second for each interface. On each interface, click “down” or “up” button you can change the value, then click “Set” button to confirm and go into the next interface. On the OUT8 interface, click again the “Set” button, the display will be off and exit the delay time setup.

For Bolt Exhaust and Air Assist:
Use the "External Devices" Screen on the Menu of the Laser Machine Control panel to set the start and End Delays for the Exhaust and Air Assist

Menu Options
External Devices Screen

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