Preface: The article covers some pre-made material test cards and the built in Lightburn Material Test Generator for CO2 lasers like the Thunder Laser Bolt, ODIN and Nova machines Quick Start Videos: Thunder Material Test Lightburn Material Test ...
Preface: The article covers some pre-made material test cards and the built in Lightburn Material Test Generator for CO2 lasers like the Thunder Laser Bolt, ODIN and Nova machines Quick Start Videos: Legacy Material Test Cards Lightburn Material Test ...
Disclaimer Any substrate you plan to use should have data on it if you are unsure. Some materials 'can' be processed with 10600mn wavelength C02 but that doesn't always mean you should. Overview A client wants to process ABS and HDPE on a Thunder ...
FROM A CLIENT (Nova 35-80): I cut through 3/4" acrylic (cast, i think) like butter with 4” lens, 4 speed, 95 power, and about a 7mm focal length. I didn’t have time or the material to get the perfect edge (it was a little frosty 1/4” down from the ...
Preface: This article covers the "Red Button Test" which is a great first test when you have Laser Power issues. The red button test eliminates the OPTO and RUIDA inputs, isolating the system to just the tube and the LPSU. If this test is a success, ...
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