Cleaning your optics can help keep your machine operating at peak and consistent performance. Dirty optics and lead to poor performance and failures. As you use your machine, you will need to gauge how often you will need to clean. It will depend on the dust load that you create. The optics are worth checking every day, especially the Focal Lens, Mirror 2 and Mirror 3.
Optics Locations:
Cleaning Supplies:
Depending on when you received your machine, your included supplies may be different. Some of the images below have links to purchase as an example.
Cleaning Swabs
Dust Free Cloth
Cleaning Solution
3rd Party Lens wipes
Blowing Ball
Just say no to anything PAPER like paper towels and not your T-shirt
Cleaning Schedule:
Adjust to suit the dust load you create in your machine.
☑ Focus lens, Mirror 2 and Mirror 3
☑ Mirrors (all)
☑ Beam Combiner (rear of machine)
☑ Nova 35-80w Reci Tube Dust Cover (rear of machine)
Steps to Clean your Optics:
Focal Lens:
1. Remove Lens Tube from Laser Head
2. Dissasemble Lens Tube
3. Use Lens Removal tool to remove lens
4. Clean Lens, Assemble in reverse
Note: The direction of focus lens mounting please refer to below picture Dome UP, away from the honeycomb:
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