Dual Air Assist Theory of Operation and Schematics

The 2 primary functions of the air assist are to keep the smoke away from the lens and mitigate flames and flare-ups.
Using different air volumes and pressures for different processes to enhance them is actually secondary, but handy.

The maximum recommended operating system pressure is 55 psi to help prevent premature air solenoid failures.
This is a typical installation of the dual stage air-assist in the Nova series machines. Your configuration may differ slightly
This is the back side of the main air inlet on the rear of the laser.
Line #1 is supplied from the compressor at the inlet and travels to the solenoid bank.
At the solenoid bank, #1 splits and goes into the inlets of the 2 identical air solenoids (these are normally closed valves).
These solenoids control the raw air inlet to the stages. Line #2 is the low volume stage and line #3 is the high volume stage.
Then lines #2 and #3 go to their respective needle valves.
The 2 stages exit the valves and combine back into one line, line #4.
#4 runs to the nozzle
The TL Timer board controls these functions:
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