Rotoboss Roller Rotary Belt Tension Adjustment for Start of Engraving Issue
Preface: If you notice that your rotary is not engraving correctly at the start, the designs are "flat spotting" on the edges, then this article is for you. This information is applicable to any of the belt driven Rotoboss Rotaries. The components ...
How to Bypass Frame Slop Error on 5 Pin Rotary with Switch on older Thunder Laser Machines
Preface: This article is for those users with older machines that have a 5 Pin rotary with a switch and are using Lightburn. Your rotary is driven by the Y axis output and not the U Axis output. Background: Older Thunder Laser machines used the Y ...
Roller Rotary Tips, Tricks and what to watch out for on your Thunder Laser Nova, Odin or Bolt Series Laser
Preface: This Article covers some tips, tricks and watchouts for your Roller Rotary on a Thunder Laser Nova, Odin or Bolt series laser. Things to know before you begin for Rotary Journey Here is a list of things to know ahead of time which will make ...
Adjusting the RotoBoss Motor tower for misalignment
Verify options: 1. With the motor plate all the way down, Turn Rotary over on its side and check the gap between the motor plate and the Foot on the motor side. a. The Plate and foot should be parallel. Raise the slave wheels up to the same height as ...
How to determine if I have a "5" five pin or "7" seven Pin Rotary for my Thunder Laser? And what is the difference?
Preface: This article covers how to determine if you have a 5 pin or 7 pin Rotary on your Thunder Laser machine These Machines ONLY have Seven Pin Rotary Ports: -Thunder Laser Bolt -Thunder Laser Odin 22 and Odin 32 -Thunder Laser Aurora, Aurora Pro, ...
Thunder Laser Five Pin Rotary Port Wiring Directions and Pinout
Preface: This article covers the wiring for a 5 pin rotary based on the V5 TL Timer Wiring Schematic Wiring at Port: Port: Ruida Controller Connections: This design uses common signals with the Y Axis D2 connector Pin Designations: Pin 1 - +36V - ...
What size tumbler will fit on my Rotary with a Nova or Odin Laser Machine
Preface: This article covers max clearance height for a Rotary Object. Measurements are theoretical so if you are near the limit it would be good to double check with a mock setup prior to selling a large order. The measurements assume the stock 2" ...
Chuck Rotary Setup and Usage in Lightburn (Nova/Odin)
Chuck Rotary Setup and Usage in Lightburn (Nova/Odin) The following article, supported videos and images will guide you to success with your Thunder Chuck Rotary. NOTE* There are a few style Chuck rotary available through Thunder Laser, Please check ...
X, Y and Z Honeycomb Axes will not move when Roller Rotary is plugged in and Rotary will not Spin
This article describes the situation where when the Roller Rotary is plugged in, the X, Y and Z (Honeycomb) Axes will not move and the rotary will not spin. Other Articles of interest: Thunder 7 Pin XLR Rotary Port Rotary Axis no motion ...
Circle Projection on Tumbler
This article provides an excel spreadsheet to be used to calculate the skew needed to adjust a circle onto a Rotary Surface. Prior to using this sheet, make sure you steps\roller diameter are correct for the cup you are lasering onto. Rotary Roller ...
Rotary Axis no motion troubleshooting
Preface: This guide will walk you through determining a possible reason as to why your rotary will not spin and is applicable to Nova, Bolt and Odin series machine. If you complete this guide without a definitive cause, please email ...
Thunder Laser USA RotoBoss Washer Hack
Thunder 7 Pin XLR Rotary Port
Nova Pinouts Diagrams Nova Series DSP TL Timer Mid 2020 Block Diagram v8.3 7 Pin XLR we use the 7 pin male xlr on the rotary pigtail. and the machine xlr receptacle is female Disassembly AURORA The aurora rotary port IS WIRED DIFFERENTLY than the ...
Rotary Roller Diameter Calculation
Preface The Roller Rotary differs from a chuck rotary since it provides rotation by surface contact. A chuck rotary is locked into a degree of rotation of the chuck is a degree of rotation of the object and generally do no have adjustment for surface ...
How The Chuck Rotary Works
Preface: This article covers how a Chuck Rotary works with a Thunder Laser Quick Start Videos: Complete Guide: The Chuck rotary is pretty basic to operate. You need to know the Steps per rotation of the chuck and then your objects ...
Size is incorrect when you using the rotary attachment
The engraving/cutting size is incorrect when you using the chuck rotary attachment. Reasons: 1. Wrong circle pulse or diameter (1) Circle pulse Check the gear ratio on your rotary attachment. Gear ratio 4:1 structure, like below. The Circle pulse or ...
Low Roller Stemmed Glassware
RotoBoss JR Tensioner Relocation Modification
THIS ARTICLE IS FOR THUNDER SPECIFIC ROTOBOSS JR DEVICES WITH ACRYLIC PLATES ONLY Is you tensioner mounted like this? If so it is at an extreme angle and under pressure. There is a modification for this version that needs to be done to your rotary ...
Powder Coated Tumbler Workflow
This is a basic tumbler workflow using a Roller Rotary: And here is the result: The state seal was a low-resolution raster so it does not look perfect. A different vector seal was added to the final design. Reference Video:
RotoBoss Roller Rotary Setup
Preface: This Article covers how to set up the rotary to get your steps right for a given tumbler and some best practices. This article is relevant for Thunder Laser Gantry style Lasers with Ruida Controllers. The information contained in here is not ...
TL-USA Unified RotoBoss Rotary Manual
Reference Articles: Please see this section of the Knowledge base for additional information.
Case Study - Rotary Settings Anomaly
TICKET 1696 Rotary Settings Issue 1