Troubleshooting Ruida Communication Issues
Preface: This article covers how to troubleshoot when you have communication issues that are hardware related (Software has been properly configured but still will not communicate. Cables and adapters can present communication issues in their connections. By eliminating\bypassing them or changing them out with another of its kind, we can find the source of the issue.
Cable Connections Descriptions
The Ruida Controller of your Thunder Laser has 3 data connections. USB Communications, Ethernet Communications and USB stick. The 3 data connections are extended to the outside of the machine to the external ports that you typically connect your computer or USB stick.
The Ethernet Port is a standard 8 pin RJ45 connection commonly referred to as Ethernet but it can be used for other things. A standard path cable will work, crossover cable is not required.
The PC port is communication to your PC is a USB-B type connection at the machine and a USB-A connection at your computer.
The USB Stick port is a USB-A connection that will accept a USB stick.

Do not use a USB-A patch cable to plug your computer into the USB stick port. This will not communicate with the laser and will power the Laser Screen up even if the machine is off. For more information about USB connector designations, see
here and
External Ports:
Located on the right hand side of the machine.
Internal Ports on Ruida Controller:
How to Bypass a bad Port:
1. Remove the port. Use the included 2mm Hex wrench from your tool box to unscrew the two black screws holding the Port into the Port Plate (USB stick shown)
2. Unplug the corresponding plug from the Ruida Controller
3. Run your temporary cable through the Port hole and to the bottom of the Ruida Controller (note that if your cable has a removable ferrite core you may need to remove it, if the ferrite core is molded in, you will need to source a different cable)
4. Plug your cable directly into the Ruida Controller.
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