Size is incorrect when you using the rotary attachment

Size is incorrect when you using the rotary attachment

The engraving/cutting size is incorrect when you using the chuck rotary attachment. 


1. Wrong circle pulse or diameter 

(1) Circle pulse

Check the gear ratio on your rotary attachment. 

  • Gear ratio 4:1 structure, like below. The Circle pulse or steps per rotation should be set as 16000. 

  • Gear ratio 3:1 structure, like below. The Circle pulse or steps per rotation should be set as 12000. 


(2) Diameter

The diameter you enter in the software must be the outer diameter of the object you want to engrave/cut.


Enter the correct circle pulse and diameter. 

2. Wrong operation method

Check the Rotary connector on your machine, the connector is located inside the right front of the machine. 

  • 7-pin connector on the machine, like below. 

For this type connector, rotary axis is controlled by U axis. 

In RDworks, the setting of "Enable rotate engrave" need read and write button that can save the setting into U axis, like below. 

Read>>tick "Enable rotate engrave">>set "Circle pulse" and "Diameter">>Write 

In Lightburn, Read settings(successfully)>>tick "Chunk","Enable Rotary">>set "steps per rotation" and "Object Diameter">>OK, like below. 

PS: The setting need to be saved into controller, so please connect your pc and laser machine. 


  • 5-pin connector on the machine,like below. 

For this type connector,rotary axis is controlled by Y axis after turn on the rotary switch. 

In RDworks, there must be no read and write button on the setting of "Enable rotate engrave". 

Tick "Enable rotate engrave">>set "Circle pulse" and "Diameter". 

PS: The machine with 5 pin type rotary connector does not work correctly with the software Lightburn. 

Tip: how to enable and disable the Read and write button on “Enable rotate engrave” of RDworks? 

Go into the RDworks’s root directory>>open the text file of “soft”>>change the setting of “ShowRWRotate” >> save the text file, like below. 


Please check what the type of your rotary connector is and run the rotary attachment with correct way.

3. Wrong setting on Rotary attachment 

Please check Your Rotary attachment 

1.       The setting for separated motor and driver, like below. 

2.       The setting for Integrated motor, like below. 


Change the dip switchs according to pictures above.


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