Odin Series Beam Alignment Procedure

Odin Series Beam Alignment Procedure

Preface: This article covers the basics of aligning the laser beam on your Odin RF Laser

Tools Required:

Flat Head screwdriver

Allen Wrenches -

1 Roll of Masking Tape

1 safety goggles SAFETY INFO: C02 Laser Radiation, PPE, & Fire Suppression


Do not operate the laser with the side door open. Alignment will be performed with out risk of exposure to laser beam. Be careful please.

The corners of the engraving area will be labeled as follows:

Corner        Position

Left rear          1

Left front         2

Right rear         3

Right front        4


The table positions shown above are listed based on their distance from the laser tube. The laser beam diverges, or spreads out as it travels the distance from the laser tube to the focal lens. With this in mind, the burn mark on the tape will get larger the further the lens is from the laser tube.


There are 3 mirrors used to adjust the laser beam. 

1. The 1st mirror is installed in the rear box of the laser tube, open it then view the right side.

2. The 2nd mirror is installed on the left side of X rail.


3. The 3rd mirror is installed on the top of the laser head.

Note: On Newer Odin machines, Mirror 3 is fixed, non adjustable.

Which Mirror Controls Which Beam Path:

Mirror                      Beam Path Corners

The 1st mirror                  1&2

The 2nd mirror                 1&3 (2 &4)

Note: Position#2&4 is on the same path as position #1&3, thus when positions 1&3 are aligned, then #2&4 will also be aligned.

Below is a reference for mirror’s screw Types:



These are for aligning the laser beam path.


These are Adjusting the mirror


These secure the mirror mount

For mirror#1, 2 and 3, before you start adjusting it, please loosen the two securing screws slightly first. After adjusting, tight them and check the beam path again. If needed, please repeat the adjustment steps. Note that when you tighten the securing screws, it may affect the mirror alignment.


How to align the laser beam path:

1. On LCD panel, set the max power of Laser 1 at 30%. Just for reference, you can adjust it according to your need.

2. Open the laser tube cover and the left side door, stick a small piece of mask tape on the mirror#2 and move the mirror#2 mount to position#1. 


3. Pulse at position#1 and position#2 respectively to check whether the laser dots are in the same position. If they are in different positions, please adjust the point of position#2 according to the below diagram, to sure that the laser spot at position 2 coincides with the laser spot at position 1.


4. After done, tight the two screws and check the beam path again.

5. The next step is to verify the alignment in all 4 corners of the table. Sticking a small piece of tape on the mirror#3.



6. Pulse at position#1 and position#3 respectively to check whether the laser dots are in the same position. If they are different, please adjust the point of position#3 according to the below diagram, to sure that the laser spot at position 3 coincides with the laser spot at position 1.


7. After done, tight the two screws and check the beam path again.

8. Next, move the laser head to middle of the working area. Then stick a small piece of mask tape on the nozzle, and then see if the laser beam comes out from center of the nozzle. If not, please adjust the beam path as follow picture.

Note: New model Odin's do not have a mirror 3 adjustment or a traditional nozzle. You may skip this step.


9. Once the laser beam comes out from the center of the nozzle, the laser beam path is aligned. You can proceed to run your job.

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