we always test by plugging the camera directly into a usb port on the computer, bypassing and additional adapters, cords, etc... to eliminate those cables and their installation as a variable
Its important to please close all instances of lightburn. then unplug the cam usb and then plug it back in, to reinitialize the cam
Some content is reproduced with permission from LightBurn and a backlink to all such content is provided. You are encouraged to view those links as the content here may be abbreviated, etc... and you can find more detailed info in the original ...
The wait is over on June 30th Galvo Support for EzCad 2 and EzCad 2 Lite devices come with the LightBurn Software 1.2 release. On top of Galvo support, 1.2 comes with a number of new features including: Sub-Layers Device Linked Libraries Head-Mounted ...
Preface: The OEM camera manufacturer sold cameras of the same part number but with varying firmware which caused the images to be flipped on some Thunder Laser machines. Three Solutions: 1. Physically Invert Camera Position 2. Send Camera to Thunder ...
Preface: The goal of this article is to walk you through how to set your ThunderCam or built in camera up for the best image prior to calibrating and aligning it. This article was written using a Nova 35 and W85 ThunderCam but the same concept ...
Please note that all of the data below was on an older version and we are in the process of updating as we test the head cam functions. All info below is considered legacy beta data. We are leaving it here for reference. There is no timeline on ...
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