Please see the manuals for both Aurora series V1 and Aurora series V2 attached below Note that the manual is Windows and Ezcad centric due to being the GLOBAL manual. Thunder Laser USA has compiled information on Lightburn, Windows and MacOS in this ...
Preface: This article covers installing Lightburn for your Thunder Laser Aurora Galvo laser Windows Users: Do not plug the USB cable from the machine to your computer prior to installing the Lightburn flavor of the Ezcad2 driver Lightburn Software ...
Preface: This article covers the use of the Thunder laser auto focus software and some of the basics of setting up the new Lens in EzCad3 or Lightburn. It does not cover the topic of finding the optimum focal distance. Quick Start Video: Complete ...
The wait is over on June 30th Galvo Support for EzCad 2 and EzCad 2 Lite devices come with the LightBurn Software 1.2 release. On top of Galvo support, 1.2 comes with a number of new features including: Sub-Layers Device Linked Libraries Head-Mounted ...
Preface: This article covers how to determine which lens you have installed on your Aurora Fiber Laser Visual Marking: Look for the F-### on the lens. It should be either F-160, F-210 or F-290. Basic specs for each lens: Focal Distance Specs for Each ...
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