Some content is reproduced with permission from LightBurn and a backlink to all such content is provided. You are encouraged to view those links as the content here may be abbreviated, etc... and you can find more detailed info in the original thread.
Here is more on the layout and how vertically challenged displays may require some changes to the UI
This is the default layout for LightBurn, and it’s 838 pixels tall:
You can reset the UI back to default at any time in the window menu:
*In newer versions of Lightburn you may need to reset it to default 2x to get the right side layout working right
You can also hold the shift key when clicking to run LightBurn and that will reset the UI to default.
If your display is shorter than that, you’ll need to dock the windows differently, by dragging the Laser and Library windows off the bottom and docking them over the windows on the top, like this:
That is 537 pixels tall, and the smallest you can make the LightBurn window.
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You can reduce icon and font sizes to help the layout as well:
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