Disclaimer Any substrate you plan to use should have data on it if you are unsure. Some materials 'can' be processed with 10600mn wavelength C02 but that doesn't always mean you should. Overview A client wants to process ABS and HDPE on a Thunder ...
Preface: This article covers a sample setup and workflow for a Tumbler on EzCad3 using a Roller Rotary on an Aurora Pro 20W Mopa Fiber Laser. This article assume you know the marking parameters(hatching, power, freq) etc for the tumbler you have. You ...
Original demo sample with no reverse compensation settings active (Thunder Laser Scanning Offset Adjustment): Wood Workflow: Wood Resultant Output: Acrylic Workflow. This art was scaled down from 160mm square to 69.442mm square: Acrylic Resultant ...
Nova 35-80w Testing: Cutting air inlet pressure at 27psi. Stock 2” head with 6mm focus. Cuts and Engraves were performed at stock focus. *Note that for speed comparisons, a Odin 32 60watt will be able to cut faster than the 30w Odin 22 but it will ...
This is a basic tumbler workflow using a Roller Rotary: And here is the result: The state seal was a low-resolution raster so it does not look perfect. A different vector seal was added to the final design. Reference Video:
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