Note that the manual is Windows and RDworks centric due to being the GLOBAL manual. Thunder Laser USA has compiled information on Lightburn, Windows and MacOS in this knowledgebase that should be considered. For Thunder Laser USA support please email ...
Preface: This article covers How To align your laser beam in a 3 mirror gantry based Nova laser. Quickstart Videos: Here are some quickstart videos that will cover 90% of the situations. They do not contain every last iota of detail but should be ...
Preface: The Usual Suspects are the things that most commonly get overlooked or are incorrect that can burn up training time on things that should already be checked and if not mastered. If you choose to not follow this guide you will likely ...
Chuck Rotary Setup and Usage in Lightburn (Nova/Odin) The following article, supported videos and images will guide you to success with your Thunder Chuck Rotary. NOTE* There are a few style Chuck rotary available through Thunder Laser, Please check ...
Preface: This article will walk you through a mock device setup so you can emulate a Thunder Laser in your LightBurn trial. There are two methods to do it, the Manual method where you create the profile per the instructions in the video and the ...
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