Please see the manual for the ThunderBolt below. Note that the manual is Windows and RDworks centric due to being the GLOBAL manual. Thunder Laser USA has compiled information on Lightburn, Windows and MacOS in this knowledgebase that should be ...
Preface: This article contains information on how to the check the function of the Thunder Bolt Endstops and how to adjust them Quick Start Video: Complete Guide: This guide aims to cover how to check a Bolt X or Y Endstop for function, how to adjust ...
***This article is a work in progress as we coordinate translations and clarity of the message, please be patient*** Below is a list of warning messages that may appear on the screen of your Thunder Bolt Machine 1、 Warning while trying to Frame or ...
Preface: This article covers how to change the fan board on a Bolt Series Laser. Note that the process is shown on the Bolt but will be similar for the PLUS and PRO models.
Preface: This article is high level information about the Fan Board ports and indicators and troubleshooting based of the visual observations. It is very technical Fan Board Layout: Fan Board Designations Fan Board Wiring Connections Port ...
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