Preface: This article covers flashing the firmware on your Bolt, for either the Screen or the Controller. Be sure to perform this only under the guidance of Thunder Laser USA. Make sure you have stable power and have time to be at the machine. ...
Occasionally you may need to revert your controller back to English. Here is how to do it. The menus may vary by model and firmware so this may differ slightly from your controller. You can usually find the menu tree with descriptions in the manual. ...
Preface: This article contains information on how to the check the function of the Thunder Bolt Endstops and how to adjust them Quick Start Video: Complete Guide: This guide aims to cover how to check a Bolt X or Y Endstop for function, how to adjust ...
Preface: This article covers how to perform a Touchscreen calibration on your Bolt GT5 Touchscreen Quickstart Video: Video shows how to perform the calibration and the recovery method if it is messed up\non responsive Complete Guide: Basic ...
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