Chiller Power Cord Intermittent Connection

Chiller Power Cord Intermittent Connection

We have had reports of the chiller having power issues due to the power connection on the rear of the chiller. The plug is not seating properly and can result in intermittent, or complete, loss of chiller power.

Before you assume this connection is compromised, make sure the main and laser power switches (under the main power switch) are both on as well as the switch on the front of the chiller.

Thunder Laser China and Teyu Chiller are both aware of these reports and have determined that the plug molding process may have caused some variances in the dimensions of the mating surfaces. 

Most of these issues mitigated by ensuring that there is positive engagement of the connectors and that the plug is fully seated in the receptacle. So double check that cord and give it a little wiggle and a firm push and the issue should resolve itself.

If you continue to experience issues while under warranty, please email and socket for the chiller power. If not under warranty, please see the part here.

 Teyu Chiller may require a short video of the problem and the chiller's behavior. We will handle all that in the ticket.

You can run the chiller directly from an outlet by using a standard IEC computer power cord like the one pictured below. These are common to desktop computers, laser printers, monitors, and other electrical devices.

This is also a temporary solution to the chiller power connector issues in this article


Be sure to get the fuse from the current socket just in case the new one doesn't have a fuse in it. there is also usually a spare fuse in the toolbox, just in case

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