When scoring a square, the score line has a small but finite width. This width is the kerf and needs to be accounted for. When you measure, you want the "center to center" measurement from one kerf line to the other. It is easier to measure to the left of both Kerf Lines or to the right of both Kerf lines.
The Procedure:
drawing and measuring your test shape, you need to make your shape as
large as possible and be able to measure it accurately. This will help
limit compound error. Compound error is when you are off for example by
.01" on a 1" square, that equates to .5" on a 50" square which is not
acceptable. Being off by .01" for a 25" square will yield better
1. Draw a large enough square in lightburn and set it up to score with a speed of around 150mms and power around 15pct.
2. Mark the square onto a piece of scrap material
3. Measure the square and input the dimensions into the lightburn wizard (See video down below)
4. Repeat until the drawn dimension in lightburn matches the scored material.
Preface: This article covers installing Lightburn for your Thunder Laser Aurora Galvo laser Windows Users: Do not plug the USB cable from the machine to your computer prior to installing the Lightburn flavor of the Ezcad2 driver Lightburn Software ...
Preface: The article covers some pre-made material test cards and the built in Lightburn Material Test Generator for CO2 lasers like the Thunder Laser Bolt, ODIN and Nova machines Quick Start Videos: Thunder Material Test Lightburn Material Test ...
Note that there are changes coming to the Lightburn License Structure that will go into effect Oct 1, 2024 which will make some of the information in this article moot. Please read about it here. Lightburn License Overview: New Thunder Laser NOVA and ...
Some content is reproduced with permission from LightBurn and a backlink to all such content is provided. You are encouraged to view those links as the content here may be abbreviated, etc... and you can find more detailed info in the original ...
Preface: This article will walk you through a mock device setup so you can emulate a Thunder Laser in your LightBurn trial. There are two methods to do it, the Manual method where you create the profile per the instructions in the video and the ...
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