Thunder Laser USA Technical Support

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    • Popular Articles

    • LightBurn Start Delay to allow the fan to spool before the job starts

      Since LightBurn 1.2.00, a function has been added to the device settings in LightBurn to define a time delay for the start and end of a job. Click the wrench/screwdriver icon to open the pop-up Device Settings window. Adjust your start delay to ...
    • Uploading the LightBurn Materials Library

      Preface: This article covers how to Load the Material Library that you download into Lightburn How to Video: Complete Guide: Things to note: 1. The Library File that you download will always need to exist. Do not Delete it. Lightburn will reference ...
    • Inspecting and Cleaning Nova Series Optics

      Preface: This article covers how to clean your optics on your Thunder Nova Series Laser Quick Start Video: (Video Credit: Robert Kofoed of Computer Creationz) Complete Guide: Before you Begin: Cleaning your optics can help keep your machine operating ...
    • Raster vs. Vector Images

      Rasters: A raster file (bitmap) is an image made of hundreds, thousands and even millions of tiny little squares of color, these little squares are referred to as either pixels or dots. now if we are getting technical, pixels are color blocks that ...
    • 100 Watt Materials Libraries

      *This information is provided “AS IS” to provide a starting point. It is always a good idea to run tests on each substrate and update the library as necessary. The Official Thunder Material Library PDF as well as the precompiled LightBurn library ...